Can You Freeze Shredded Mozzarella Cheese?

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When it comes to food preservation, freezing is a popular method that allows us to extend the shelf life of various ingredients. However, not all foods can be frozen successfully, and many people wonder whether shredded mozzarella cheese can withstand freezing. In this article, we will explore the topic of freezing shredded mozzarella cheese in detail. We will discuss the proper techniques, potential risks, and the best practices for maintaining the quality of the cheese during freezing and thawing. So, let’s dive in and find out: can you freeze shredded mozzarella cheese?

Can You Freeze Shredded Mozzarella Cheese?

The simple answer is yes, you can freeze shredded mozzarella cheese. Freezing shredded mozzarella cheese is a convenient way to preserve it for future use, especially if you have excess cheese or if you want to take advantage of a sale. However, it’s important to follow proper freezing and thawing techniques to ensure the best quality and taste.

How to Freeze Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

To freeze shredded mozzarella cheese effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Start by ensuring that the shredded mozzarella cheese is fresh and of high quality. It’s always best to freeze cheese when it’s at its peak freshness.
  2. Divide the shredded mozzarella cheese into smaller portions that suit your future usage. This will prevent the need to thaw more cheese than necessary.
  3. Place each portion of shredded mozzarella cheese into a separate airtight container or freezer bag. Ensure that there is minimal air left inside the container or bag before sealing it tightly.
  4. Label each container or bag with the date of freezing to keep track of its freshness.
  5. Place the containers or bags of shredded mozzarella cheese in the freezer, making sure they are in a flat position to prevent the cheese from clumping together.
  6. Keep the shredded mozzarella cheese in the freezer for up to three months for the best quality. While it may remain safe to eat for longer periods, the texture and flavor might deteriorate over time.

Thawing Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Thawing shredded mozzarella cheese is a simple process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Transfer the desired amount of frozen shredded mozzarella cheese from the freezer to the refrigerator.
  2. Allow the cheese to thaw slowly in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. This gradual thawing process helps maintain the texture and taste of the cheese.
  3. Once thawed, the shredded mozzarella cheese is ready to be used in your favorite recipes.


Can you freeze shredded mozzarella cheese directly in its original packaging?

No, it is not recommended to freeze shredded mozzarella cheese directly in its original packaging. The packaging may not provide sufficient protection against freezer burn and can affect the quality of the cheese. It’s best to transfer the shredded mozzarella cheese to airtight containers or freezer bags before freezing.

Can you freeze opened bags of shredded mozzarella cheese?

Yes, you can freeze opened bags of shredded mozzarella cheese. Follow the steps mentioned earlier for freezing shredded mozzarella cheese to ensure optimal quality and freshness.

Can you freeze homemade shredded mozzarella cheese?

Absolutely! Homemade shredded mozzarella cheese can be frozen following the same guidelines as store-bought cheese. Just make sure to use airtight containers or freezer bags for freezing and label them with the date of freezing.

Can you freeze shredded mozzarella cheese after it has been thawed?

It is generally not recommended to refreeze shredded mozzarella cheese once it has been thawed. Freezing and thawing can affect the texture and taste of the cheese, and refreezing can further deteriorate its quality. It’s best to use the thawed cheese within a reasonable time frame or consider freezing smaller portions to avoid wastage.

How long can you keep shredded mozzarella cheese in the freezer?

Shredded mozzarella cheese can be kept in the freezer for up to three months while maintaining its best quality. After that period, the cheese may still be safe to eat, but the taste and texture might not be as desirable.

Can you freeze shredded mozzarella cheese for pizza?

Yes, you can freeze shredded mozzarella cheese for pizza. In fact, freezing shredded mozzarella cheese in portioned amounts makes it convenient for quick pizza preparations. Just remember to follow the proper freezing and thawing techniques mentioned earlier.


Freezing shredded mozzarella cheese is a practical way to preserve it for future use. By following the recommended steps for freezing and thawing, you can maintain the quality and taste of the cheese. Whether you want to stock up during a sale or save leftover cheese, freezing shredded mozzarella cheese allows you to enjoy its deliciousness whenever you desire. So, next time you wonder, “Can you freeze shredded mozzarella cheese?” remember that with proper techniques, you certainly can!