Can You Freeze Cheese? The Ultimate Guide

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When it comes to preserving food, freezing is a common and convenient method. But what about cheese? Can you freeze cheese without compromising its flavor and texture? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of freezing cheese. Whether you’re a cheese lover looking to extend the shelf life of your favorite varieties or a culinary enthusiast seeking to explore new possibilities, this article has got you covered.

Can You Freeze Cheese?

Can You Freeze Cheese?

Yes, you can freeze cheese! Freezing cheese is an excellent way to extend its shelf life and prevent waste. However, it’s important to note that not all cheeses freeze equally well. Some varieties may undergo changes in texture and flavor after being frozen, while others maintain their quality remarkably well. Let’s explore the world of freezing cheese and discover the best practices for preserving your favorite varieties.

Which cheeses can be frozen?

Which cheeses can be frozen?

While most cheeses can be frozen, some varieties fare better than others in terms of maintaining their quality. Here are some of the best cheeses for freezing:

CheeseReason for Freezing
MozzarellaFreezes well and maintains texture
Pizza cheeseGreat for freezing pizza toppings
CheddarLow moisture content, freezes well
ColbyFreezes well and retains flavor
EdamSuitable for freezing and grating
GoudaFreezes well and maintains texture
Monterey JackCan be frozen without significant changes
LimburgerFreezes well and maintains flavor
ProvoloneSuitable for freezing and melting
SwissLow moisture content, freezes well

These cheeses are known for their ability to withstand the freezing process without compromising their texture or flavor. They can be frozen and used in various dishes without any significant issues.

What cheeses should not be frozen?

What cheeses should not be frozen?

While many cheeses can be successfully frozen, there are some varieties that may not fare as well. Here are some of the worst cheeses for freezing:

CheeseReason for Not Freezing
Queso frescoTexture becomes crumbly and grainy
PaneerTexture becomes crumbly and dry
BrieTexture and flavor are affected
CamembertTexture and flavor are affected
Cottage cheeseTexture becomes watery and lumpy
RicottaTexture becomes grainy and watery
ParmesanTexture and flavor are affected
RomanoTexture and flavor areaffected
Processed cheeseTexture and flavor are affected

These cheeses may experience changes in texture, flavor, or overall quality when frozen. It’s best to consume them fresh or use them in dishes that do not rely heavily on their original texture.

How to Prepare Cheese for Freezing

Before freezing cheese, it’s crucial to prepare it properly to ensure the best possible results. Start by examining the cheese for any signs of mold or spoilage. If the cheese appears to be in good condition, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Cut the cheese into manageable portions: Divide the cheese into smaller portions based on your future usage. This will make it easier to thaw and use as needed.
  2. Wrap the cheese tightly: Wrap each portion of cheese tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Ensure there are no exposed areas to prevent freezer burn.
  3. Place in an airtight container or freezer bag: For additional protection against freezer burn and odors, place the wrapped cheese portions in an airtight container or freezer bag.

By following these preparation steps, you can maintain the quality and flavor of your cheese during the freezing process.

Freezing Soft Cheeses

Freezing Soft Cheeses

Soft cheeses, such as Brie, Camembert, and goat cheese, have a higher moisture content and are more delicate in texture. Freezing may cause these cheeses to become crumbly or lose some of their creamy consistency. However, if you plan to use the frozen soft cheese for cooking purposes, such as in sauces or baked dishes, the texture change may not be as noticeable.

To freeze soft cheeses:

  1. Cut the cheese into portions: Divide the soft cheese into smaller portions, considering your future usage.
  2. Wrap in plastic wrap: Individually wrap each portion of soft cheese tightly in plastic wrap, ensuring there are no exposed areas.
  3. Place in an airtight container or freezer bag: Transfer the wrapped portions of soft cheese to an airtight container or freezer bag to protect them from freezer odors.

When you’re ready to use the frozen soft cheese, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight. While the texture may be slightly different, it can still be enjoyed in various cooked dishes.

Freezing Hard Cheeses

Freezing Hard Cheeses

Hard cheeses like cheddar, Swiss, and Parmesan are more resilient to freezing and maintain their texture and flavor better than soft cheeses. To freeze hard cheeses:

  1. Cut into blocks or shred: Depending on your needs, you can either freeze the hard cheese as a block or shred it for convenient usage.
  2. Wrap or pack tightly: If freezing as a block, wrap the hard cheese tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, ensuring there are no exposed areas. If shredding, pack the shredded cheese tightly in an airtight container or freezer bag.
  3. Label and date: Don’t forget to label the cheese and include the date of freezing. This will help you keep track of its freshness.

Frozen hard cheeses can be thawed in the refrigerator when needed. They are ideal for grating, melting, or adding to various recipes.

Freezing Shredded Cheese

Freezing Shredded Cheese

Shredded cheese is a convenient option for many dishes, and freezing it can save time and effort. To freeze shredded cheese:

  1. Shred the cheese: Use a grater or food processor to shred the cheese into desired sizes.
  2. Toss with cornstarch (optional): To prevent the shredded cheese from clumping together, you can toss it with a small amount of cornstarch.
  3. Pack tightly in freezer bags: Transfer the shredded cheese into freezer bags, removing as much air as possible before sealing.

Frozen shredded cheese can be used directly from the freezer, without the need for thawing. It’s perfect for sprinkling on top of pizzas, pasta dishes, or casseroles.

Freezing Cheese Blocks

Freezing Cheese Blocks

If you have a block of cheese that you’d like to freeze for future use, follow these steps:

  1. Cut the cheese into manageable portions: Divide the cheese block into smaller portions, based on your needs.
  2. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap: Individually wrap each portion of cheese tightly in plastic wrap, making sure there are no exposed areas.
  3. Place in an airtight container or freezer bag: Transfer the wrapped cheese portions into an airtight container or freezer bag, providing additional protection against freezer burn.

Thaw the frozen cheese blocks in the refrigerator overnight before using them. Whether you want to slice, cube, or grate the cheese, it will be ready to add to your favorite recipes.

Thawing Frozen Cheese

Thawing Frozen Cheese

Proper thawing is essential to preserve the quality and flavor of frozen cheese. It’s recommended to thaw cheese gradually in the refrigerator rather than using other methods like room temperature or microwave thawing. Here’s how to thaw frozen cheese:

  1. Transfer to the refrigerator: Place the frozen cheese in its packaging or airtight container in the refrigerator.
  2. Allow time to thaw: Depending on the size and type of cheese, it may take anywhere from a few hours to overnight to fully thaw.
  3. Check for readiness: Once thawed, the cheese should be pliable and no longer frozen in the center.

Avoid refreezing thawed cheese, as it can affect the texture and taste. Instead, plan your usage and thaw only the amount you need.

How Long Can You Freeze Cheese?

The length of time you can freeze cheese depends on the type and variety. Generally, hard cheeses can be frozen for up to 6 months, while soft cheeses can be frozen for around 3 months. It’s important to note that while cheese can technically be frozen for longer periods, the quality may start to deteriorate over time.

To ensure the best flavor and texture, it’s recommended to consume the frozen cheese within the suggested timeframes. Always check for any signs of freezer burn or spoilage before consuming frozen cheese.

Freezing Cheese Dishes

Freezing Cheese Dishes

In addition to freezing individual cheese varieties, you can also freeze dishes that contain cheese. Whether it’s a lasagna, macaroni and cheese, or a cheese-filled casserole, freezing these dishes can be a time-saving solution. Here’s how to freeze cheese dishes:

  1. Prepare the dish: Cook the cheese dish according to the recipe instructions, ensuring it’s fully cooked and assembled.
  2. Cool the dish: Allow the dish to cool completely before proceeding with freezing.
  3. Portion and wrap: Divide the dish into individual portions or as desired. Wrap each portion tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
  4. Place in airtight containers or freezer bags: Transfer the wrapped portions into airtight containers or freezer bags, providing an extra layer of protection.

Label the containers with the dish name and freezing date for easy identification. Frozen cheese dishes can be reheated in the oven or microwave when you’re ready to enjoy them.


Does cheese taste good after freezing?

The taste of cheese can be slightly affected after freezing. While some cheeses maintain their flavor well, others may experience a slight change in taste. It’s recommended to use thawed cheese in cooked dishes rather than consuming it on its own for the best flavor.

Does cheese spoil in the freezer?

Cheese can last for an extended period in the freezer without spoiling. However, it’s important to properly wrap and store the cheese to prevent freezer burn and maintain its quality. Check for any signs of mold or off-flavors before consuming thawed cheese.

Should I store cheese in the fridge or freezer?

Most cheeses are best stored in the refrigerator, as the cold temperature helps to slow down the aging process without affecting the texture and flavor significantly. Freezing is a suitable option for preserving cheese for longer periods, but it may alter the texture and require careful thawing.

What is the best way to preserve cheese?

The best way to preserve cheese is by storing it properly in the refrigerator. Keep the cheese wrapped tightly in plastic wrap or wax paper to prevent air exposure and moisture loss. This helps maintain the texture and flavor of the cheese for a longer time.

Can you eat 2-year-old frozen cheese?

While frozen cheese can technically be safe to eat after two years, the quality may be compromised. It’s important to assess the texture, smell, and taste of the cheese before consuming it. If there are any signs of spoilage or if the cheese has an off-putting odor, it’s best to discard it.

How do you defrost cheese?

The best way to defrost cheese is to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator. Allow the cheese to thaw gradually in the fridge, which helps retain its texture and flavor. It’s important to avoid rapid thawing at room temperature or using a microwave, as these methods can affect the cheese’s quality.

How do you make cheese last longer?

To make cheese last longer, proper storage is crucial. Keep the cheese wrapped tightly in its original packaging or in plastic wrap/wax paper to prevent air exposure and moisture loss. Store it in the refrigerator at the recommended temperature. Additionally, freezing cheese can further extend its shelf life, but be aware of potential texture changes.


The answer to the question “Can you freeze cheese?” is a resounding yes. Freezing cheese is a viable method for extending its shelf life and reducing food waste. While not all cheeses freeze equally well, with proper preparation and storage, you can successfully freeze many varieties of cheese.

Hard cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss, and Parmesan are particularly suitable for freezing due to their low moisture content. They can be frozen without significant changes in texture or taste, making them versatile options for cooking, grating, or melting.

On the other hand, soft cheeses like Brie or Camembert are more delicate and may experience some alterations in texture when frozen. However, they can still be used in cooked dishes, where slight changes in consistency may be less noticeable.

When freezing cheese, it’s crucial to prepare it properly by wrapping it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This helps protect against freezer burn and maintains the cheese’s quality. Additionally, storing the wrapped cheese in airtight containers or freezer bags further ensures its protection and prevents the absorption of odors from other foods in the freezer.

Thawing frozen cheese should be done gradually in the refrigerator to preserve its texture and flavor. Avoid rapid thawing at room temperature or using a microwave, as these methods can lead to undesirable texture changes.

While frozen cheese can be safely stored for several months, it’s recommended to consume it within the suggested timeframes to ensure the best quality. Always inspect the cheese for any signs of spoilage before consuming it.

Freezing cheese is a practical and effective method to prolong its shelf life and enjoy it at your convenience. By following the guidelines for each cheese variety and understanding their individual characteristics, you can successfully freeze and use cheese in various culinary applications while minimizing food waste.